"Sarasvati like a great ocean appears with her ray, she rules all inspirations."

Saraswati with veena musical instrument

Sarasvati is one of the many faces reflected in the image of the Divine Mother. Called the Goddess of the Word, Sarasvati means "the one who gives the essence (Sara) of our own Self (Swa)."2 She is also known as the Goddess of Learning and is the consort (wife) of the Hindu God Brahma (the Creator).

Considered "Knowledge itself personified as a feminine deity"3 Sarasvati is closely identified with culture, language, speech, wisdom, intellect, creativity and inspiration. She contains all forms within her, pervades all creation, and is the power of intelligence and thought.

As a Universal Goddess and representative of the Mother of the World, Sarasvati has many titles of honor and her epithets explain her best. She is the "power of memory" and the "power of knowledge." She is "intelligence, or she who is intelligence," "whose form is the power of intellect" and "who is the power of forming ideas."4 She is the Goddess who "revealed language and writing to man."5

Sarasvati is also the Shakti of Brahma, the First Person of the Hindu Trinity. Spiritual teacher Elizabeth Clare Prophet teaches the Hindu Trinity parallels the Western Trinity - Brahma (Father), Vishnu (Son) and Shiva (Holy Spirit). She explains Brahma is the Divine Lawgiver and the source of all knowledge and Sarasvati as his Shakti releases it into the matter cosmos.

Shakti is a Sanskrit term meaning energy, power, or force. The Shakti is that point of the Feminine Principle who releases the potential of God from Spirit to Matter. As Shakti, the Divine Mother is therefore the dynamic, creative force of the universe–the manifest power of her masculine counterpart.6
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The Sarasvati River

"May the rivers overflowing grant us their grace (VI.52.4)."7

No one knows exactly when the Vedas, the earliest scriptures of Hinduism, were written. They are a collection of hymns, poems and sacred texts revealed orally to the rishis (poet-sages) thousands of years ago that were eventually written down at a later date. In some texts, Sarasvati is Vac (the Word) and is called the Mother of the Vedas. The hymns are revelations "envisioned" by the rishis "through her grace and in her presence."8

The Vedas personify Sarasvati throughout the text as a river goddess calling her the "great Goddess Stream." Thought at one time to be a myth, the Sarasvati River was said to be the greatest river in India originating in the Himalayas and flowing westward to the sea. In 1985 an archaeological survey found an ancient riverbed that matches its description.

Some believe Sarasvati's identification with the river has to do with her purifying qualities as the "waters cleanse poison from men."9 This is no "ordinary river." It originates in an ocean in the heavens and flows down to the earth and "represents an ever-flowing stream of celestial grace which purifies and fertilizes the earth."10 As a physical manifestation of Sarasvati, the river "connects one with the awesome, heavenly, transcendent dimensions of the goddess and of reality in general."11 Sarasvati "is not only the most sacred river but the Goddess of wisdom, of the Divine Word."12

The Power of the Word

"Sarasvati is present wherever speech exits."13

Because of her association with poetry, speech, music and culture, Sarasvati is called the Goddess of Learning and the patroness of the arts and music. Regarded as the "mother of poetry," she is the muse who provides the "stream of inspiration"14 for the creative expression of poets. In India musicians believe Sarasvati is the source of creativity and permeates all sound and rhythm. It is quite common to find garland images of her in their homes and studios.

As the embodiment of speech Sarasvati teaches us the power of the spoken Word. She helps us to become aware of our speech and to understand the importance of choosing our words carefully. She teaches us about idle chatter and gossip which benefit no one and actually dissipate the light in our chakras (spirituals centers). Sarasvati is the inspiration and insight that teaches us to use the power of the Word as a creative force in the universe. Prophet explains:

For centuries, mystics have been telling us that sound actually creates matter. (A mystic is someone who seeks direct contact or union with God.) The mystics believe the world is a reflection of infinite combinations of sound patterns. They say that all things – from the biggest star to the smallest flower and even you and I – are coagulations of sound waves. 15

The importance of speech in Hinduism goes back to ancient times. In the Rig Veda, Sarasvati is described as the "impeller of true and sweet speech" and the "awakener of happy and noble thoughts" (6.61.9). She is Vagdevi, the "goddess of speech." Other epithets used to describe her are: "she who dwells on the tongues of poets," "possessing great speech" and "she who dwells in sound." Sarasvati is often described as eloquent and articulate and will bestow these same qualities on those who are her devotees. If you are successful at passing your initiations she might even bless you with "charming speech and a musical voice."16

The power of the spoken word should not be underestimated. Mantra is a form of prayer that may be given as an invocation, recited or sung. They are invocations to our Father-Mother God and help us not only to become one with the deity but also strengthen the tie to our Higher Self. "Prayer is the language of the soul."17

Sarasvati's seed syllable or bija mantra is AIM (ah-eem). Bija mantras contain the essence of the Cosmic Being, God or Goddess being invoked.



English translation:
OM! Salutations to the Goddess Sarasvati!

"The Word that flows forth from your mouth is Mother."18

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Images of Sarasvati

Sarasvati is depicted in art as being very graceful and beautiful. Sometimes, she is shown with a halo of light around her head, having two to four arms (sometimes eight), holding a veena (Indian lute), rosary, and the sacred scriptures (Vedas) in the form of a book. Other images show her forming mudras (hand gestures) and bestowing blessings, having a crescent on her brow, holding a spear or trident, conch shell, water pot or bell.

Almost every image shows her wearing white signifying her purity. Images of her sitting on a lotus suggest her transcendent nature. "She floats above the muddy imperfections of the physical world, unsullied, pure, beautiful."19 Most images show her with her vehicle the swan. David Kinsley writes:

The predominant themes in Sarasvati's appearance are purity and transcendence. She is almost always said to be pure white like snow, the moon, or the kunda flower or to shine brilliantly and whitely like innumerable moons. Her garments are said to be fiery in their purity, or described as white, and she is sometimes said to be smeared with sandalwood paste. Sarasvati's gleaming white body and garments express well her purity and transcendence…Sarasvati is rarely described as having fearsome aspects and is usually portrayed as calm and peaceful. These qualities are conveyed in the serene, white images of her in Hindu art.

Sarasvati's transcendent nature, which removes her from the impurities of the natural world and its rhythms of growth and fertility, is also suggested in her vehicle, the swan. The swan is a symbol of spiritual transcendence and perfection in Hinduism. Spiritual masters and heroes are sometimes called supreme swans (paramahamsa) in that they have completely transcended the limitations and imperfections of the phenomenal world. Sarasvati, astride her swan, suggests a dimension of human existence that rises above the physical, natural world. Her realm is one of beauty, perfection, and grace; it is a realm created by artistic inspiration, philosophic insight, and accumulated knowledge, which have enabled human beings to so refine their natural world that they have been able to transcend its limitations. Sarasvati astride her swan beckons human beings to continued cultural creation and civilized perfection.20

The Divine Mother

As we develop our heart tie to Sarasvati through prayer and devotion she comes as the Mother-Teacher. Kinsley explains:

The benefits to be derived from the worship of Sarasvati, of the blessings that she is expected to bestow on her devotees, usually relate to the themes that we have noted as central to her character. She gives eloquence, wisdom, poetic inspiration, and artistic skill.21

Invoking Sarasvati also involves a purging of the lesser qualities that block our understanding and assimilation of sacred teachings. To "bring about a spiritual awakening" can only occur if "one's heart is pure." "Nobler traits" must replace those of the lower self.22

As the Divine Mother, Sarasvati requires us to lead a principled way of life. According to the Devi-bhagavata-purana she is said to be "ascetic in nature and to grant boons to those who perform asceticism (9.1.35)."23

In her office as the Goddess of Knowledge she comes as the Teacher-Guru to help us understand all that we need to do in order to purify and heal. She helps us to organize our thoughts and to think clearly. Sarasvati separates the real from the unreal and helps us to see reality. As Shakti (dynamic, activating energy) her creative powers "pervade reality with insight, knowledge, and learning."24 As she bestows her river of spiritual knowledge upon us, she refines the soul. Her goal is to reunite us with our Higher Self, our Christ Self.

The golden age of Aquarius

The energy of Sarasvati flows through all things cultural. This encompasses art, music, poetry, literature, education, moral and philosophical systems, as well as science and technology.

Sarasvati is the "womb of knowledge," "whose form is all the sciences" and "who dwells in books." She is even the one "who causes books to be made."25 How we use the energy of Sarasvati depends upon each and every one of us. We can use it constructively or we can misuse it. Clearly when this energy is used in a positive manner Sarasvati becomes the foundation all great civilizations have been built upon.

We are entering into the age of Aquarius, which is the age of the Divine Mother and the Holy Spirit. During this time our awareness of God as Mother and the Holy Spirit is awakening. Whether man or woman, we each have a masculine and feminine polarity within our being. The goal in this age is to achieve balance and wholeness between the two. We have to raise the Mother flame up the spinal altar in order to magnetize the Light of the Father. This is done through prayer and devotion to the Divine Mother which safely raises the Mother flame. Prayer helps us to connect to higher realms.

The Culture of the age of Aquarius

"All male avatars are the incarnation of the Divine Mother.
All female avatars are the incarnation of the Trinity."26

As we raise the Mother flame we start to identify with many of the characteristics associated with the Divine Mother. We come to understand the flow of Sarasvati pervading everything from culture and speech to the arts and sciences. The Divine Mother is wisdom and this wisdom can only be obtained by raising the Mother flame. As we do this, we tap into our inner-self knowledge. And, as Prophet says, this "inner self-knowledge is what the New Age is really all about."27

One of the more profound relationships we can develop with the Divine Mother is the heart to heart relationship. This requires a willingness to be transformed. We have to let go of our lesser self so that we can merge with our Higher Self who is really our inner-teacher.

In the past Sarasvati's devotees were primarily scholars and philosophers and those interested in the arts, but today she has become a Universal Goddess and anyone can pray to her for wisdom and knowledge.

Those seeking academic excellence and creativity in their daily lives would do well to invoke the Goddess Sarasvati for inspiration and guidance. In the springtime Hindus celebrate Sarasvati Puja and give prayer and devotion asking the Goddess for her blessings on all new beginnings. Schools, universities and places of learning give special devotion to the Goddess of Learning. Students pray for wisdom and knowledge and ask for her blessings on their books, paper, pens and musical instruments. One typical prayer might be as follows: "OM, Sarasvati, I am beginning my education. Please bless and guide me on my path to wisdom."

One of the roles of women in the Aquarian Age is to provide the nourishment that brings out the very best in everyone and society and that includes not only in the home, but also in the workplace. Males have a similar role as well as the role of being the protector. Both man and woman are obligated to keep and raise the Mother flame. Prophet explains:

…Until we as a part of Western civilization can become the Mother, we see that the Mother flame will be missing from our government, from our economy, from our education. All of the religion and the science and the communion with the Trinity that she teaches will be absent. Without the Mother flame as the center spiral of every area of life, that life crumbles, that life decays, because it has not the cohesive power of the Mother flame to endure.28

All that Sarasvati embodies has earned her the title of Goddess. If she finds our prayer and devotion worthy, she will bestow her river of knowledge upon us. This ancient Mother is revered as the "Goddess Supreme" as is clearly seen. Her transforming power is one of the keys to bringing in the golden age of Aquarius. Sarasvati is the power that transforms not only people but also entire civilizations.

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"I spring forth from the waters of the ocean,
from there I spread into the universe.
I touch the sky with my body.
I blow like the wind creating the worlds.
My greatness expands beyond the sky and the earth"
-Devi Upanishad

  1. David Frawley, Gods, Sages, and Kings, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Morson Publishing, 1991) 71.
  2. A. Parthasarathy, Symbolism in Hinduism, ed. R. S. Nathan (Powai, Bombay –400 072: Central Chinmaya Mission Trust, 1983) 157.
  3. Parthasarathy 157.
  4. David R. Kinsley, Hindu Goddesses: Visions of the Divine Feminine in the Hindu Religious Traditions(Berkeley and Los Angeles, California: University of California Press, 1988) 59.
  5. Alain Danielou, The Myths and Gods of India (Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions International, 1985, 1991) 260.
  6. John the Beloved, "A Vision of Wholeness for the New Age," Pearls Of Wisdom:1958-1996, First Edition, CD-ROM, (Corwin Springs, Montana: Church Universal and Triumphant, 1997) 30 Sept. 1990: Vol. 33 No. 38.
  7. Frawley, Gods, Sages and Kings 69.
  8. Frawley, God, Sages and Kings 69.
  9. Kinsley 11.
  10. Kinsley 57.
  11. Kinsley 57.
  12. Frawley, Gods, Sages and Kings 69.
  13. Kinsley 59.
  14. David Frawley, Wisdom of the Ancient Seers (Salt Lake City, Utah: Morson Publishing, 1992) 238.
  15. Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Creative Power of Sound, (Corwin Springs, Montana: Summit University Press,1998) 23.
  16. Kinsley 59, 62.
  17. Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Keys to the Kingdom and New Dimensions of Being, (Corwin Springs, Montana: Summit University Press, 2003) 91.
  18. Ra Mu, "On the Mother," Pearls Of Wisdom:1958-1996, First Edition, CD-ROM, (Corwin Springs, Montana: Church Universal and Triumphant, 1997) 28 Nov. 1981: Vol. 24 No. 76.
  19. Kinsley 62.
  20. Kinsley 62.
  21. Kinsley 62.
  22. Parthasarathy 158.
  23. Kinsley 63.
  24. Kinsley 58.
  25. Kinsley 60.
  26. Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Mary Magdalene and the Divine Feminine, ed. Annice Booth (Gardiner, MT.: Summit University Press, 2005) 153.
  27. Prophet, Mary Magdalene and the Divine Feminine 74.
  28. Prophet, Mary Magdalene and the Divine Feminine 225-226.